Energy efficiency project
Energy efficiency project and Implements is an effective means of judging current performance levels with respect to efficiencies and energy consumptions and identifying potential areas of improvement in the efficiencies. Preliminary and detailed energy analysis of utility systems largely helps in controlling the energy consumption with resultant reduction in fuel and electricity costs. Energy Management system involves data collection, data verification and detailed analysis of the same. The analysis leads to recommendations which are short term (with minimum investment), medium term (with moderate investment) and long term (with capital expenditure) along with the cost benefit analysis. This enables management to take decisions regarding implementation schedules.
Energy Performance Contracting project (EPCP) is an innovative form of contracting developed to overcome the major barriers to delivering cost-effective energy efficiency.
Using EPCP the upgrading of energy and operational efficiency of the systems in your building is paid for through energy savings.
More importantly, performance contracting identifies ways to reduce energy consumption, leading to lower energy bills and reduced energy-related pollution such as CO2 emissions.
If your organization lacks the time, resources, expertise and capital to fund energy saving initiatives, or you are not sure about the returns from an energy efficient project and want to minimize risk, EPCP may be the answer.
The Benefits of EPCP
In traditional contracting, you might engage a consultant, write specifications, then select the lowest tender. You also assume all the risk and live with the results. EPCP differs from traditional consulting by being results driven rather than price driven.